Sunday, January 26, 2025


 Vigan City was a living testament to Philippine history and culture.  Its well-preserved Spanish colonial architecture with the traditional Ilocano culture that makes the town a famous tourist attraction. Its a journey from a municipality to UNESCO World Heritage City and recognized as one of the New 7 Wonders Cities of the World.

Before it became city, Vigan was a historical town in Ilocos Region. Known for its Spanish colonial architecture, it was a center for trade and culture. Its streets were lined with beautiful old houses, many of which still stand today. Vigan life was a quiet and simple. Its attract visitors who came to admire its well-preserved heritage.

Now Vigan celebrates the 24th Anniversary of Cityhood of Vigan, the city reflects on its journey from a quiet town to a vibrant city. The city became famous for its cobbled streets, Vigan Cathedral, and the “Calle Crisologo,” which has become one of the most iconic historical places in the Philippines. And still preserved to its unique spanish architecture and traditions. Moreover, its feels like stepping back in time, a unforgettable experiences that truly enjoyable.

In conclusion, Vigan City’s transformation from a quiet town to a UNESCO World Heritage City is a journey to highlights its rich history and culture. Its well-preserved Spanish colonial buildings, cobbled streets, and ancestral homes. Its enduring legacy of the past, while embracing the future. A visit to Vigan is more than just a trip, its an unforgettable journey in stepping back in time.


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Image 2:Vigan City Philippines (History and Facts). Retrieved  from

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Tuesday, January 7, 2025


As 2025 begins, many of us are reflecting ourselves on the past years and have a goal for future. The famous phrase " New Year, New Me", defines for a self-improvement and change. It is the opportunity to our self to step into a better version of our life. This year, I want to improve my study habits, and how I able to handle criticism. I aim that this will be create a change that will help me to grow.

Past years, cramming is my habit that I have struggled. While other see it is the easy way a quick fix for deadlines, but it in my experience is not an effective study habits.But this year, I plan to have a better study habits. Instead of doing our requirements until the last minute, I will surely manage my time effectively.

I want to work on how to handle criticism more effectively. For years, I have struggle with negative feedback personally, I often came to my mind "It's always a joke " and let it be. 

But this year, I want to refrain my mindset when it comes in criticism.With that criticism, I strive to see on my improvement. The help of this, I reminding myself that no one is perfect and everyone has a room for opportunity to grow. I will focus on my growth rather than crying over the criticism that I receive.

As we enter a new year, I take on improving these challenges of my life. Each of this goals requires self-discipline and effort to have a progress this challenges. The new year give a start for improvements.

Monday, January 6, 2025


December was a memorable month every year. The anticipation of holiday and the upcoming vacation. Honestly, I spent my vacation was nothing like going out of towns, mostly I spent at our house doing relaxing stuff and away from my school works 

I usually spent my holidays with my family and relatives. On the christmas eve, my mother and I preparing of food for noche buena. At night, we went to our relatives house and  we wait until midnight to  celebrate christmas. We ate and played games while waiting 

Christmas day was all about spending time together with our loved ones, enjoying the break. The true essence of christmas is importance of love and happiness within a family .


  Kannawidan Ylocos is an annual festive that celebrates the anniversary of the separation between Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte every 2nd of ...